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Retail publisher info

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58 comments, last by Smile 22 years, 4 months ago
The referentions are partly from developers you worked with at Crystal Interactive.

By the way why don''t you go to the police for fraud by Mr. Riza?
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
On your site is mentioned that Pool Wars sold 1000 units at Dynabyte.

Dynabyte don''t sell that game! I checked it.
Also Krakout unlimited isn''t available at AKO. At your site is mentioned sold 1000 units.

How is this possible?

So what is the deal with this, you seemed to side step the question and I am interested to hear the answer. Is it a lie or what?
It''s true you can check it your self.
You can email those retailers customer services department and also check the websites.

click on shop
and in the text field in the blue navigation bar, type in the name of the game Pool wars.
result nothing

Fot the other store:

In the middle text field, type in the name of the game Krakout unlimited.
result nothing

How did it sold 1000 units. He will tell of course that it was a pre order The same old story again.

With the pointer at "sold". So it has already been sold in 1000 units to the customers. Strange how did they buy it. When it isn''t available at that retail chain?
I think he will now remove that text on his website.

You seem to be very agressive with regards to my person... I guess we wrote our 2 posts at the same time so I only replied to the post above your questions.

AKO and Dynabyte are 2 chains in the Benelux but I don''t seem to have to tell you as you are obviously Dutch We sold 1000 units in total of Krakout Unlimited to a distributor called Artware who sell into AKO exclusively. Anyone wanting to sell into that store has to go through Artware. It''s a full store merchandise concept they have with them. AKO do not buy multimedia products in themselves and therefore don''t even know what they stock until the merchandisers get round to restock their racks. Since we sold into Artware''s system we are in their 200 store strong racking system as well as in AKO. If Artware choose not to put it in the AKO stores then it''s their choice. They paid for 1000 units regardless whether they sell it or not. The reason we put AKO on our site was because we wanted to give visitors to our site some clue to where to buy our products. You can''t mention you sell into 200 independent retail stores because that''s impossible to find. AKO is the only exclusive chain on Artware''s list so that''s why we used it. No lie, just them choosing not to circulate it in the AKO racks. Not our fault when a retailer runs out or doesn''t restock.

With regards to Pool Wars we sold it to 500 independent retailers belonging to a distributor who also sells into Dynabyte. Same story as with Krakout and Artware, even though we could have waited to list Dynabyte until it''s actually there. Can take another month before they get it from our distributor. Again not our fault.

So you are obviously Dutch, work in the industry and have a grudge against our company... Who do I have the pleasure to talk to?
That is truely sad. Hanging out at a site with new developers so you can take advantage of them is like an old man sitting in a school yard trying to give little kids candy. Sick, just plain sick.
Uhm.. Why should we remove this? It is not false information. With regards to AKO I checked their website and I don''t know if you have the wit to examine the multimedia section more closely but there are only 2 products in there. Meaning that a store does not always sell on its website what they have in the physical retail space. Otherwise it would be a rather small multimedia section with 50 copies of each of the 2 products sitting in the AKO rack Please think before you write this nonsense and accuse us of lying... We are not on trial here but you sure seem to make it a personal quest to prove me wrong.

Dynabyte I don''t know. It''s the store with the biggest assortment of games in the Netherlands but they also don''t put everything they sell on their site. But to give you some credit, I was in a Dynabyte store today and Pool Wars wasn''t on the shelves yet. So yes you can put me up against the wall now and shoot me for not speaking the truth that all Dynabyte stores stock Pool Wars... happy? Does that help you sleep better at night?
Boy, this comes up every once and a while and nothing changes does it?

Well, on Alex''s behalf I''d like to state as fact that I did some work for Alex/Crystal last year and YES I DID GET PAID!.

Can I say that I know anything about Crystal''s Publishing record, no. But for the contract I did, Alex was very good at answering all my questions promptly.

Now, if you are going to consistently bash Alex, why not do it under your real name? After all, you are men aren''t you?

Last chance to finally say who you are as it''s mighty brave of you to take a stab at me and my company while hiding behind the anonymous poster status. You play it very personal but I don''t mind that as long as you do it fair by telling me and the other people who you really are. Otherwise you''re really low since I''m the one who backs up his comments with my identity. You know who I am, so bring it on! I can''t say that about you...

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