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33 comments, last by DarthSpanky 24 years, 3 months ago
I thought that music was all about expression. Not about how "complex" it is. And I seriously doubt anyone of you could just sit down and write a song that''s even decent (not bashing your musicianship or anything) simply because you don''t like the music and thus probably haven''t listened to a wide variety of it. I like rap and I''ve listened to it. It''s the whole and not individual parts that appeal to me. I like the beats and the use of a variety of voices. Vocals are just as much a part of music as the actual instruments. Is choir not music(this is to Paulcoz...)? I suppose that language was just one of humans'' useless endeavors. I''m also getting the opinion that many of you don''t feel that any music that''s not Western-influenced isn''t really music. If this is really the case, then I feel sorry for you "musicians" who can''t see a wider spectrum in your art.
In my last post, I meant to say music of a genre you think is "easy".
How can you compare choir music to Dr. Dre or Snoop? That is ridiculous.

Where in the world did language being a ''useless endeavor'' come from? That is ridiculous as well.

>>I''m also getting the opinion that many of you don''t feel that any music that''s not Western-influenced isn''t really music. If this is really the case, then I feel sorry for you "musicians" who can''t see a wider spectrum in your art. <<

Thanks for feeling sorry for me. It helps me get through the day knowing I have people out there like you that are concerned about me.

It has nothing to do with seeing a wider spectrum of what you consider our art. Simply put, I do not consider your chosen ''performers'' to be musicians.

Any one of us could sit down and "write a song that''s even decent". You are beyond clueless to even compare that dribble to something that takes talent or hard work.

DarkSpanky you are small minded to not be able to appreciate things that don''t fit into your conventions, your attutudes to drugs and music have proved this.
Your supposed to be a musician and yet you can''t even be open minded enough to grasp that your tastes may not be the same as other peoples. You think because you don''t like something it''s up to you to decide what it is.
As for rap music not taking talent and hard work, prove it, show us you can make a rap tune as good as biggie smalls.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
Yeah, I wouldn''t relate choir to Dr. Dre or Snoop either.

One is a group of people that have to be told what notes and words to sing. And avoid those parallel fifths and octaves. Better use an authentic cadence at the end of the song... Nothing says resolution like the good ole V->I, want to get funky? invert the IV chord. Whoohooo, now we are getting somewhere.

The other is people who create their own sounds and don''t have a bunch of rules about what they are going to do... hmm....
Dearest l33t Punk,

Thanks for letting me know I am small minded. should I get counseling or is there another way to fix that? Any help is appreciated. I want only to please you and those like you. Please help me. Let me get one thing straight though, because I don''t light a pipe a breakfast, and I don''t like your music, that is proof that I am small minded? Golly gee you little punk, you must have been on the debate team in junior high. You are very good.

My tastes have nothing to do with it. I have already admitted that I like some ''crap'' music. I just happen to not like your ''crap'' music. So what. Big deal. The ''crap'' music that I listen to when I am in the mood is takes very little talent as well (although it takes more than your puff biggie pimpo dog or whatever the hell it is). Get over it and try reading what I type instead of making something else out of it. You should have learned how to do that on your debate team.

Why in the hell would I waste my precious time, while making myself ill, recording some bullshit crap for your entertainment? The fact is, that stuff takes no talent, if you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself, that is your problem... not mine.

Hmmmm. Lets see, biggie smalls. Ya I know him. I think he pked me once on UO and sent me a virus. Now THAT, my l33t friend, is talent.

Later d3wD!

Most Sincerely,

DarthSpanky the Small Minded

I am a programmer and also write my own music. I dont know a thing about music all I do is make what sounds good to me with the key board and have come up with some pretty impresive stuff that when I hear it, it even suprises me
I have seen the light. Thanks to Jesus and his word I now see that all of you are right. I concede. Just listened to some snoop. He is just so talented. I have now thrown away all of my classical cds. There are just too many rules in those st3wpid old modal systems. That whole harmonic minor thing is just too restrictive. and, thanks to potsucker(spelling??), I know now that all choir music has to be written exactly the same, and that the members of the choir are mindless f3wLz with no talent. Snoop is just so unique in comparison. He is SOOOOOO talented. Jesus has given him so many gifts. I thank you all for your advice. I am now reformed.

It makes me laugh how you try and make out that I''m one of those warez kiddies who speaks with words like 3l33t and kewl and yet you need to resort to petty name calling, I''m not going to come down to your level and reply with adolescent comments. The reason I said your small minded is because you said "I do not consider your chosen ''performers'' to be musicians.". You do need some counselling if you can''t see that what your saying is plain stupid and small minded. And whats with all the l33t stuff, please direct me to one post of mine in which I have spoken like that. It''s obvious you can''t respond to someone with a decent answer. It''s just a shame there are people still as ignorant as you.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
http://cessen.8m.com/music.html there are three midi files there. All three are completely original compositions by myself.
I disagree about rap and such being "crap". I myself do not like it, but you must admit that a lot of it DOES take talent. I do agree that most rap doesn't have very complex tunes, however, try listening to the drums. The complexity of the drums is (in most cases) exstensive. That takes at least as much work/creativity as composing music. Also, using word choice and such to maintain a beat at the same time as saying something with the correct conitation also takes quite a bit of work/creativity.
I agree with what you say about there being a difference between a musician and someone who can play an instrument. However, I disagree with you saying that anyone who "has two hands and the IQ of a chicken" can play an instrument. The thing you neglect to see is that fact that to be able to play an instrument well also takes a lot of skill. It is not the same type of skill/ability as composing music, but it *is* a skill, and a very worthy one. I compose some music which my friends consider to be "pretty good", but I can't even come close to playing the piano as well as a lot of other people I know, who don't compose music at all.

---I am adding the following to my message:
I almost forgot. I have never studied music theory or composition of music. I am very nearly completely self taught (I only got a little bit of help in reading music). And, by self taguht, I truely mean self taught. I didn't read books, I didn't get help from anyone else (with the exception of reading music).
An education is not a requirement. In fact, many times it will restrict a persons viewpoint to what they have been taught, where as when one experiments they are restricted only by their own creativity. I have, on my own, mapped out many sets of two and three notes within a scale of 8, and have figured out what atmosphere ("feeling") they cause. I have also done many other things such as that caused one person on the net who hear it to say "love your minors". I asked him what he meant, and he explained to me about major and minor keys
Also, there is a rather large difference between composing music and writing a computer program: logic. With programming, you must logically figure out how to cause a certain thing to happen (perhaps 3d rendering), and then you must also figure out a way to make it as fast as possible. After that, you must impliment it, and then debug it.
But with music, you experiment until you get something that sounds good.
I know the difference very much, as I have done both: comming up with radiosity mapping and composing music. With radiosity mapping I had to logically work out how to do it (what I described in the apaer was actually a simplification for the sake of keeping the article size down).
I suppose there *is* one similarity between music and porgramming, though: playing instrument=implimenting existing methods, composing music=inventing new methods
All four of those things take skill, but they all require a different type of skill.

Edited by - Cessen on 3/15/00 1:32:35 PM

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