
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
Hiya! I''ve been looking for a community I can relate to for quite a while. Starting out with basic on the Apple IIe in 4th grade, patiently waiting for the next edition of compute magazine, so I could get my hands on the new source code in the back few pages. Anyone remember Artillery?
I''ve had a few false starts learning C/C++ over the last couple of years. It seems I just get past the basics and loose interest... it just gets so damn BORING. Then I thought to myself... Hmmm. Why not build a game? Games use all the facilities and resources of any other program... user input, file storage, variables, pointers, arrays. It''s also much more interesting than a calculator.
I''d like to start out building something like a nethack clone, and then move onto space invaders or asteroids, but render all the sprites in 3DSMax(drool).
I''ve got a few years under my belt as a graphic artist, mostly 3d stuff, modelling and the like. If any of you need something modeled, let me know and I''ll see what I can come up with, always interested in a challange.
Ok, well enough rambling, on to the tutorials!

I''ve been programming for years, but never with OO stuff. Looking to really get into C++ and like a few other people, have a "proper" job during the day !

Project Manager - Doh !

Well i''m here and im hoping that the people here as as nice as Teej is!
Chaos UT :
I am

Join the World Wide Revolution:
I''m here, James Hammond and I can tell you right now that I''m going to need some help because I''m still fairly new to programming in general
Hey everyone!
I hope to bring something important to this forum.
I am brand-spankin-new to the forum, so bare with my stupidity, please. :-D

I''ll be around.

S, Justin-Michael

the inner workings of the computer are, to me... "automagical"
the inner workings of the computer are, to me... "automagical"
Ok, I''m in. I like these tutorials. Just signing in.
There are three types of people in this world, those who can count, and those who can't
Here I am! Now I''m ready.

Scott SimontisMy political blog
I''m in. This''ll be awsome. I''m using a book along the way.
*Bows and requests acceptance into the community of game development*

Curse you windows and your poor explanation of my errors!!!
Curse you windows and your poor explanation of my errors!!!

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