
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi folks, and welcome once again. This is where you ‘sign on the dotted line’… reply to this topic and let everyone know that you’re alive and ready to do some serious game development. This is a great way for me to see who’s out there watching, and nothing warms my heart more than knowing that I’m not writing these articles for my own private viewing. Thanks for your support! Teej
Wow, i never thought i''d be first to sign up on the second roll call.

But here i am. I wasn''t here from the very start, but i was up to date and a little beyond when the clean up took place.

Glad to see you back in action Teej.
Can''t wat to get started.
I like the new layout! I can't believe my luck in being one of the first people to sign up on the new roster. What a priviledge. I have also been here from close to the beginning and I look forward to the future of this message board.

Good luck, Teej.

Edited by - Dragon Slayer on April 9, 2001 5:27:12 AM
Hi everybody,
You got one more here. Thanks a bunch Teej


Hey guys,
I'm new to the GameDev community, and I'm loving what I see so far. Count me in as one more to defy our common curse of "inherent laziness." One question though, Teej: what's your motivation? I'm certainly not doubting your devotion to this project, simply wondering how you're donating time and effort to an unknown bunch of possible future game developers with nothing but your own mojo to keep you motivated. (Big sentence, eh?) I assume, since you wrote it, that you include yourself among those with "inherent laziness?" 8-)

Eagerly awaiting,

*EDIT* I realize that it could get chaotic if this post spawns multiple replies in the enrollment topic... feel free to reply via e-mail or in the comments/suggestions area (or not at all, if you choose). 8-)

"There are three kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can''t."

Edited by - Thek on April 9, 2001 3:12:34 AM
"There are three kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't."
I'm still here, although a bit less frequently than before =) Got a lot of stuff to do before summer, both in school ( finals ) and at work ( deadlines! =) ). Look forward to some more of your exelent work, Teej, I'm sure there will be a lot more people with more time to spare than me.

btw, Happy Easter to ya all! ( a bit early, but I have a birthday comming up, so I don't know when I can check the boards again )

Forgot to sign! =)

It's me again!

Edited by - Taharez on April 9, 2001 3:49:22 AM
Hey guyz

I''m here waiting and watching

Be good

Hi. I signed up in the last enrollment, and I''ll do it again now.
Just flicked through what you have gotten up so far, and it is all nicely coming together.

I have to say, this is a fantastic project. I don''t think I have seen anything this good for us "We now C++ quite well, but how do I turn it into a game?" people before. So many of us fit into this category, but no site has ever attempted to walk us through every step of the way like you are doing T. I am very impressed.
Thanks a bunch, Teej.

Just as I got started, reading the forum, it vanished under my feet.... yet it emerged back, five days later...

J)ourny Onwards.....
Ok, i''m in. I''m very curious about what you guys are offering. In time I''ll hope to be able to give you some hints in return.


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