
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
I''m a computer graphics professor in Brazil.
I''d just want to thank you for creating such an interesting tutorial. Hopefully I''ll be able to learn a lot of good stuff here!!
I''m for it.
Sign me up! I''m here and ready to start learning!!!

Learning -- All ahead full, cap''n.
Set brain to Learn Factor 9!

Teej, you''re doing a fantastic job, keep up the great work... but I do notice that some of the tutorials are a little dated. Plz update them soon. I would like to do a MMORGP, but need a few pointers on getting started. Thx. email me when you''ve finished the tut so I''ll know to look back here...

l8r d00d.
Im here

I have no signature.... Well I guess I do now.
I have no signature.... Well I guess I do now.
Hey I''m here to try and learn, sounds like fun, I havn''t got much windows programming or anything fancy, just what you learn in highschool. Anyways as I said sounds like fun sign me up. lol.

LTM my new fad, know it, use it, love it, LAUGHING TO MYSELF
~~Johnathan~~LTM my new fad, know it, use it, love it, LAUGHING TO MYSELF
Hi everyone, I am looking foreword to learing all that you have to teach. I very well apreciate the time you take to help everyon including your self, this whole thing of yours is a brilliant idea. I thank you for what I am about to learn imbarking on this juorny. Thanks to all.

Silence is the key to nothing but everything.
Silence is the key to nothing but everything.
I am here.. signed up and raring to go
Hi I am new and i would like to register for those tutorials

Thank you Teej.
Hey all,

I''m new here and ready to learn!
For those who don''t know....
Teej is no longer here.
The tutorial is up though for obvious reasons.
Enjoying your learning!

@The Cusp:

What are you talking about??
That tutorial is one of the most easy to read tutorials ever made!
It''s true though that most the tutorial sources are hard to find.
They''re hosted by someone else.
Maybe one of the staff can host it on GameDev officially.
I still have the files on my computer.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


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