
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
picklejuice here, new since yesterday (christmas), like the forum and have high hopes considering the vast amount of resources on this site
Why doesn''t some moderator close this forum already? This happens every couple of weeks! Is this some vastly amusing joke amongst the moderators?

The official zorx website
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Well Here I am. My current job has me ever so close to the ledge of my 25 story building. All I do at work is check out games and wish that I was making them. So Why wish when you can create.
I tend to stop working on my little projects usually as soon as I start them so I''m hoping this time it won''t happen.
Anyway, I hope this makes me happy, and more importantly, rich.

If I were you, then I''''d be reading this instead of writing it. But either way I would know it sucked.
If I were you, then I''d be reading this instead of writing it. But either way I would know it sucked.
HEllo all.

It''s time i got back into programming. I first learned the basics of programming on my old Vic-20 when i was fairly young (aahhh... GOTO statements), got a couple years of computer science under my belt, then ran out of cash and have spent the last 5 years doing hardwood floors of all things.

This tutorial looks promisng, hope it''s got what i need to set me back on the right track

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
Well, i''ve reached the end of this tutorial and must say it stinks.

I''m mainly annoyed because the file i was supposed to download for the readyness test tool me to a spam page with heavy popups with no files in sight.

THis tutorial was not what i hoped it would be at all and i am very dissapointed, so back to the search engine for me, but I''ll post anything i find helpfull, like this site

It covers all the basics of C++ and is great if you are new to programming or just as a review. It is clear, concise with good clear examples. Whoever wrote this peice of crap tuturial should take a look at what a REAL tutorial looks like

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
Hi Teej,
I''m nearly 4 years late for signing up,
but its better to be late then never.
sign me up!

so where''s the code?
no need to rush it, take you time mate, I can wait.
im ready to start
Sounds too good to be true, I can''t wait to read on so...
let''s go!


cool! i just found this part of the forum, but its a wicked section!
scr1p7 k1dd13 f0r l1f3
quote: Original post by TheFuzz
cool! i just found this part of the forum, but its a wicked section!

wtf is wrong w/ you?[/joking]

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