
01.03 - Comments and Suggestions

Started by April 08, 2001 11:40 PM
72 comments, last by Teej 20 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, As some of you may know, this is the second iteration of this forum. I’ve tried to improve the overall layout, as well as the contents of the articles and their natural progression. Of course, much of this is trial-and-error (hey, how many interactive tutorials do you see in message board forums?), so I’d appreciate and comments and suggestions that you have concerning the forum itself. Oh, and “Great Job!” is a perfectly valid comment Teej
Great Job!
Great Job!

Keep up the good work
José Correia AKA d00dzs posting...HEEELLLOO
totally great!
How many people here are interested in learning game development on a platform different from that one Teej will be teaching (Win32/DirectX)?

I''d like to develop for something cross-platform, so my games could run on more systems than those with windows installed. So, I got a look at SDL, a cross-platform library for gaming development.

If there are enough people interested, I''ll try to "port" the articles and examples to another platform (say, GNU/Linux using SDL). Please note that I''m just learning game programming as you are. It could be a real challenge doing this, but heck... it would be fun.

So, if you feel like learning game development on another platform, comment here. And if you fell like helping to complement this forum porting articles and examples to that other platform, even better. I''m sure I''ll need lots of help.
Ja ne, Pazu mailto: the world, open the neXt
Great job so far Teej.

As for programming on different platforms, I''d be willing to help out with Java implementations of code, which would work on any platform, so long as they have the proper VM installed (free, of course). If anyone is interested in learning Java game programming, or using Java development tools, then I can provide links. Else, I can just provide the source that I come up with for the projects in Java.
PiotyrSoftware Engineer by day, Game developer by nightThe early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
I am interested in learning about cross-platforms. I actually operate now in a UNIX/Linux environment and have been struggling a bit to learn OpenGL. I haven''t heard of SDL, but if there is interest from others, I am interested. I am a real believer in the UNIX OS, and I swoon at the idea of being able to program good games for it.

I have been part of this forum since the beginning (last time) and my biggest problem was trying to rig up a box that could run DX7/8. I ended up editing all the code to run with DX3 (I have WinNT) but I don''t have the DX3 documentation, so I could not figure out how to transfer some code (e.g., Direct Sound). I expect this to be a problem again, but if people in the know are helping to explain the differences between Graphics Libraries, I might be able to concentrate more on learning good game writing techniques and less on why my code won''t seem to compile.

As for Java, I know nothing about it, but am starting a course in the next few months. I would be interested in that too.

Talk to you soon
__^__                                         /(o o)======================================oOO==(_)==OOo==========================A picture may be worth a thousand words but it also uses up a thousandtimes more computer memory.
Hi there, I think that ti should be created a section with Direct3D/OpenGL programming because the DirectDraw Topics soon will finish and the show must go on.I looked a bit into programming 3d Games but I need help(Everyone needs help to begin).


I turn pixels into gold.
José Correia AKA d00dzs posting...HEEELLLOO
For a cross-platform library, Allegro would be a good choice. It supports Unix/linux, Windows(VC, Borland, mingw), Dos, and even BeOS.
Homba do deligadoo
Great Job!

(o= erydo =o)

[" style="color: #ff0000; text-decoration:none; cursor:help;](o= erydo =o)[/email]

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