
02.02 - Game Development Tools

Started by April 09, 2001 12:09 AM
58 comments, last by Teej 20 years, 4 months ago
i got mine there too (Visual Studio 6) Couldn''t afford to buy one !!!

Graphics Editing Software

I have found that 3DS Max is the most popular one out there in making 3D graphics, as most of you already know. I also recommend CorelDraw and CorelPhotoPaint 7, 8, or above. They are very good for making professional looking design documents and logos, but not for in game graphics, although you may be able to use PhotoPaint for interface items such as menus and buttons.
[small]:P I'll lick it if you lick it first :P[small]
I just got Dev-C++ to compile DirectX stuff!!! YES!!!! OH HAPPY DAY!! I just wanna thank the guys in the chatroom for helpin me with finding out how to!

...I would tell you where I got the files from so I could do it...but...I forgot
You could also use Hash''s Animation Master. Coparable to 3DS Max, and it costs $299.
One of my friends bought the "Game Programming Starter Kit 4.0" and I''m not sure I''d recommend it after seeing what you actually get. The compiler is the introductory version which means you aren''t allowed to legally distribute the programs you create with it. The DirectX SDK is free anyway. As for Genesis, I''m not sure how good it is...we never did get it to finish compiling the sample scene (twenty minutes wasn''t enough); granted my friend''s computer was a PII 400 so that might not be a problem now. I haven''t tried the character editor, but I suspect it has some sort of license restriction or it wouldn''t be so cheap. Instead of $40 for the kit, you could pay around $100 for the professional edition of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. The only thing I found worthwhile in the kit was the book (not a bad read on game design concepts). If you just want the book, go for it. Otherwise I''d suggest spending a little more on the compiler (with no license restrictions) and downloading the free DirectX8 SDK from Microsoft.
well, I myself have adobe 6.01 and PSP 6

but i only have Dev-C++ to along with DirectX 8. it better work *whines*

I just read that it may not be compatible with DX8, but then i read a post that said it was working. Do i need a new compiler?

To all! from Dragons Emotion
To all! from Dragons Emotion
I use the Mingw compiler, is that compatible with OpenGL and DirectX?
Still Here
quantum kidthe guy who invented the wheel, he was an idiot.the guy who invented the other three, now he was a genious.
Hey i need some help i got xp and all the c/c++ compilers i d/l i can''t use. Most of them i cannot even find how to d/l. can i have some help i''m impatient!

Oh and adobe paintshop 6.0 is a great program for jpegs and bitmaps. $100 with a rebate of 30. peace easy

Only the eyes of a true player will see what realy happened. Peace easy!
Only the eyes of a true player will see what realy beholds the game. Only the eyes of a true player may see the pixels and nothing else. Only the eyes of the true player can see the game, feel the game, be the game. I am a true player. Are you?

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