
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
Hello all, I have been watching this forum for awhile now (when I get time) and thought it was time to let myself be known. I am a beginner so I hope I can keep up, and not get lost in the code.
I was here the 1st time.
Didnt do much, school ''n stuf
Anyway, im ready to begin again!
Hi everybody

well, lets make some dreams true

c ya
Hi everybody

well, lets make some dreams true

c ya
Hi evertbody

It is great to be here.
Thanks Teej
Good morning all. I''m very excited about this forum, and I hope to be a frequent visitor. Good luck to everyone ..

just doin what I''m told. Superb idea by the way I''ve been looking for something like this for ages.
what''s got two legs and bleeds?Half a dog!
Yes everyone, I do read this

Nobody panic -- we''re going to do this the right way, so that everyone can follow along... it''s absolutely great to read the feedback!

Okay, I''ve got some articles to post...


Well, hello everyone!

Let the journey continue, I have been reading tricks of the windows game programming gurus by Andre Lamothe (its a heavy book), anyway figured I would try and follow along with the rest of you. Teej your doing a great job thanx.

the silicon jesus, signing in.

a big thanks goes to everyone who makes this forum what it is, and will make it what it will become.

and teej, thank you for doing this. you''re effort is commendable.

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