
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
lets start this thing up!

I just wanted to thank Teej!! you are the best man! thank you very much for the time and effort that you spend on us.
the idea looks great and you seem to be doing a pretty serious job, thank you!!! WE BELIEVE IN YOU.

FrigoCobi, from SPAIN.
THANKS FOR THE ADVENTURE... I''ll Try My Dawmdest..


I am happy to hear of this. Many years ago I was eager to learn about the 3D and game technologies and looked for suitable books or articles but to no avail...

I''d like to say that I am new, not only to this forum, but to the whole of this site. I appreciate your help teej. I guess I will like it a lot.
Thank god, I have at last found a decent tutorial on games programming!!! AND IT''S INTERACTIVE!!!

Thanks a lot for this Teej!!!!!!!

Unresolved Externals !?!?!?!? Right, where did I put FDISK!!!!
Hello Everyone,

I''m looking forward to learning the art of computer games. I have several years programming experience and a lifetime of desire to create a game. Now I have a starting point. Like people say, one step at a time.

Drew Frezell
Drew Frezell
hi i''d like to be a part of this but i have no idea what the hell i''m doing i know a little c++ and a lot of vb but for some reason i can''t even fill the screen in less than 10 min! i''m making a 3d engine. i don''t suppose anyone know''s how to find the point of intersection of a 3d line and plane?
I tought I taw a Waxycat!
Hello all. I am really excited about getting a good understanding of game developement. This forum is a great idea. Keep up the great job
Of course we are here, hoping to finish the fucking university year in order to make the best game ever, or at least gain more knowledge that will let it be sometime!

What the hells!
What the hells!
Signing up

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