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Do you need a degree on top of good experience?

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104 comments, last by Hodgman 5 years, 8 months ago

Blimey!  What a thread!  I wouldn't like to go to the pub with Fulcrum (no offense, I'm sure you are incredibly intelligent, but you do come across as a bit of an arrogant snob).

Having been in the IT industry for over 20 years, been self-employed for 10+ years, been offered jobs purely on the basis of my reputation with no need for an interview (even if I didn't have all the necessary skills) all without holding any sort of degree/masters, then you'll have to forgive me for finding it slightly amusing when someone claims that it's absolutely essential to be successful in your chosen field.

Now I certainly don't claim to be a 'god-level' programmer (nor do I particularly care about being one) and maybe it's all very different wherever Fulcrum is from??  From my own personal experience I have found those who chase after perfection happen to be lumbering around a god size ego too and be somewhat unpleasant to work with.  Software design/development is not about the individual, it is a collaborative, team based pursuit and true excellence can only be acheived through collaboration with others, whether that be in an academic or commercial environment. 

Academic research is essential for sure, I don't think anyone here would disagree with that, but for every programmer to attain that same level of qualification is not only impractical and unrealistic, it would ensure businesses would grind to a halt!

Anyway, good luck to all in whatever career path they choose, however they go about it.

7 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

I dare to claim i could go through UE4 source and there should be nothing where my math skill is insufficient to understand how it works

I ever not need to look to its source to know why same it will not work for my tasks.

#define if(a) if((a) && rand()%100)

2 minutes ago, Fulcrum.013 said:

I ever not need to look to its source to know why same it will not work for my tasks.

Not only arrogant but lazy too!  ? (just a little joke, sorry, I couldn't resist)

7 minutes ago, Oberon_Command said:

Work experience is more important than having any degree, unless you're very junior and have little work experience.

Im not from North America. And here is other realities. You can not have a any "work expirience" without degree, becouse you just can not be hired to it work without required qualification that require it degree. And it critical (for many fields is a disaster critical) demand.

#define if(a) if((a) && rand()%100)

You can't argue with a know-it-all who is wrong and you can't argue with a know-it-all who is right.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

4 minutes ago, Fulcrum.013 said:

Im not from North America. And here is other realities. You can not have a any "work expirience" without degree, becouse you just can not be hired to it work without required qualification that require it degree. And it critical (for many fields is a disaster critical) demand.

I think we should probably all agree to disagree.  Obviously wherever Fulcrum is from things are vastly different to things in the UK, US and Europe.  Out of pure fascination I would love to know where Fulcrum is from... simply so I know never to move there because I'd be unemployable!  ?

1 minute ago, Greedy Goblin said:

Out of pure fascination I would love to know where Fulcrum is from..

Im from Ukraine

#define if(a) if((a) && rand()%100)

12 minutes ago, Fulcrum.013 said:

Im not from North America. And here is other realities. You can not have a any "work expirience" without degree, becouse you just can not be hired to it work without required qualification that require it degree. And it critical (for many fields is a disaster critical) demand.

Curious - is that required by law, where you are? It sounds like the engineering laws we have here, but of course those don't apply to software, and I've never heard of a government setting down a law that software developers have to have a particular qualification. I suspect the game industry wouldn't have gotten all that far off the ground if we had that here. Too many foundational members of the industry started out selling games out of their basements (figuratively speaking). :D 

43 minutes ago, Oberon_Command said:

and I've never heard of a government setting down a law that software developers have to have a particular qualification.

It depend of field. For example web dev that not related to serve a goverment and financical institutions is not regulated. But for other fields, especially FA it strongly regulated demands to certification of manufacturing. And its really disaster criticaly. Same as for examle disaster critical level of qualification of welder that produce tanks that works under gas pressure. And of cource banks and so on can not get his accounting software certified by national bank unless it developed and served by personel with required qualification. And so on. Again - anybody who will claim that to design a reliable plane wing, for example, qualification/education is not required will be found crazzy or ever sabateur. But what difference with designing and implementing a software that will be used for designing its wing? Really developmnt of complexive software involve much more specific math than any other engineering and so on design.

And related to simulations games/engins development (that usually a successfull gamedev companies here made) it required not less then for real-world FA and CAD/CAM software. Becouse gaming worlds usualy pretend to be a most complete (but less precesious) simulation of real-world, so use algos of anything that related to FA, CADs, scientific phisic processes simulations and so on, that required to be plugged into one team and work realtime on very weak hardware(in comparsion with real-word software equipment per simulated/controlled object). So gamedev companies looking for a top FA/CAD/scientific developers (here it able to offer much better salary to developers than local real-world industry related companies, unlike on West) and 5 year university degree is a mast-have demand of its companies ever for juniors. Of cource thay have positions not related to development directly, like a testers, support teams and so on that don't have so strict demands of degree.

#define if(a) if((a) && rand()%100)

1 hour ago, Fulcrum.013 said:

You can not have a any "work expirience" without degree, becouse you just can not be hired to it work without required qualification that require it degree.

Ok, that may be true where you are, but it isn't in a lot of other places. Case in point, the OP who started this conversation does not have a degree but is already employed.

Please keep in mind that your personal experiences are not universally applicable, and that your personal opinions are just that; opinions rather than facts. :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

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