
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago
yep I''m signing.. keep up the good work!!!
btw, can I find the older tutorials somewhere? the ones with tetris and pacman etc..

great forum!!!

I''m in.

Keep up the good work Teej
Hi! I want to join in! I know some C/C++ and my last acomplishment was a program with some squares that you can select, change their color, spin them, and walk them thru the screen... all with the keyboard... Kinda dumb isn''t it? hehe... But I''m happy I did it! I''m here to learn... Thanks to Teej and to everyone that''s helping on helping others, you''re doing a great job!
C ya!

Fernando Castro Raposo actuall project...count me in!
why dont you guys try learning how to program games meanwhile? ive made a few without any tutorials online. take some time and buy a book.

I enjoy to participate at this forum.


I'm in.

(note - the reason why I have not written my life story in this message is because I am writing this in the middle of the night...

-Lord Maz-

Edited by - Lord Maz on April 13, 2001 6:30:29 PM
-Lord Maz-
I''m in but i''m trying to make a text-based sports game(basketball).This is my last resort befire i give up,so i hope this can help


Hi there,
I''ve been programming in Delphi as a hobby for a a couple of years, but finally decided to take the step into C and DirectX, took a tuturial in C basics and know, well, the basics. This forum looks hopeful, thank you Teej,
Hey, Teej! I''m in.
Let the games begin.

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