
01.02 - Enrolment Roster

Started by April 08, 2001 11:39 PM
723 comments, last by clum 20 years, 2 months ago

Well, I''ll admit that I''m somewhat new to programming, and that about all I know right now is JAVA. But, hey why not? I''ve always wanted to try my hand at game dev., and this is definitely the place to learn it.

And, now I have something to take me away from all those nasty Computing Science assignments at the University....

Thanks for all your effort Teej!
Let the Games Begin!
Nothing to say except can''t wait to get started.


Wow... Two weeks off and ... the ''Return of the Big Bang'' directed by Teej was out when I came back!

Great! Now that I know how to compile and run DX programs with Borland, let the show begin.

Hey All
I cant wait to get started =D
Up untill this point the only game dev experience ive had is working on rifts mud. but as a damn near life long role player and an avid pc game player ive got tons of ideas for games. I wanted to say how cool I think it is that there are people out there that are willing to teach the things they know. ive always said "teach someone something its a way to imortality!" so thanks for the helping hand teej i just also wanted to say i first found this forum just before its overhaul and now that its back up navigation is a whole lot more inuitive great job man!


I''m ready for round two. Let the fun begin !

nothing much to say.. just starting out on the redesigned Tutorial (much better, thnx teej).. hope to catch up to you "old-timers" in no time ;-).


you can''''t always want what you get.
--------------------------------------you can''t always want what you get.
Count me in... Going to register now
I was in the first tutorial and quickly got everwhelmed. . . trying to figure out the very meaning of every line code in DX7 I saw and had to use. . .
I never made it past the flipping buffers function. . .

I just got my diploma as a programmer and I feel liek I have a big gap to fill between my C++ knowledge and basic windows programming.

Many thanks to Teej for mailing me (and every one else on that HUGE old enrolment list) and for taking time to do this. . . Liek that other one said, I wonder where you get the inspiration.

I''m now heading to that "windows programming" post. . .
Hope I can nail it in a whiff
I am in!

ALthough I Understand I might be A Little Late....I hope to learn something really useful along the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy....


/Sebastian Jensen
Hey, I''m new here and to game programming in general... plus i''m late.. heheh but i hope to get something out of this :-)

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